The Revolution of Awakened Women

by | Oct 5, 2022

Archetypes of the Soul


The 64 Arts

Published on: October 5, 2022

First baby steps into Feminine Awakening

Looking back, ten, fifteen year ago, I can almost not recognise myself. 

The little girl, insecure and unaware of herself, but with some promising potential

Skinny and wearing her short curly hair unruled, not knowing how to take care of it.

But pure, full of aspiration to know the world.

Milestone by milestone, I conquered insecurities, fears and hesitations.
It started when I joined the Yoga course, and then my first group of women when I was 16.
All the women in the group were older than me, more experienced.
We spoke about feminine archetypes, and that’s where I heard about the initiating woman.

Then I felt that my meaning was to become a wise woman, as I saw in my Shakti group teacher. She was inspiring me through her playfulness and humbleness, emanating such genuine self-confidence. How I wanted to become like her!

We had an exercise in which we were invited to dance in front of others, but I never danced before, so I sketched a few moves.

To my surprise,  all the women were so admiring and appreciative. I didn’t know one can feel so good among women, so safe and cherished !

‘Let us love ourselves so fiercely, that when others see us they know exactly how it should be done.’ -Rudy Francisco

First challenges as a teacher

A couple of years passed, and I was asked to keep such a women’s group myself. All the women were more experienced than me, and I was again confronted with my insecurities. What can I teach these women, who know more than me?

But even so, it didn’t matter. Being together with women, such magic appears, that we learn from each other, and no one is above or below.

We started with the basics: I remembered what I had learned when I was a student…because I hadn’t gone through a proper training before, and each time I had to exercise my creativity in order to prepare the class.

But these women had so much enthusiasm and openness, that I could freely do exercises, games, artistic moments with them, and they were happily expressing their creativity and spontaneity.

We had talks, where they all shared from experience, we supported each other in hard moments, had fun together and felt like sisters. 

My journey of discovering femininity continues

‘We need women who are so strong they can be gentle, so educated they can be humble, so fierce they can be compassionate, so passionate they can be rational, and so disciplined they can be free.‘ – Kavita Ramdas

Years have passed, and I realised I only want to teach what I genuinely know, understood and experienced.

This journey is ongoing, and teaching women has become a spiritual journey in itself, where I discover myself, my shortcomings, my talents and my limitations, altogether in a constructive mix of continuous transformation. It’s my path, and it is so rewarding!

From one woman’s training to another, I see them blossoming, more self-aware, more open and so much more feminine! Women are truly amazing!

When I see these women transforming, it reminds me of myself.

I see now why women should spend time together, learning, playing, dancing and admiring each others. We nourish and teach each other, we create bonds and soften, expressing our emotions and feeling understood. It feels like a breath of air from the cold, competitive world out there.

Ongoing transformation – a feminine destiny

In a Tantra for women training, we transform together much faster and pleasant, we receive and give in the same time, enjoying and supporting each other. I imagine myself without it, and I cannot but feel how beautiful this path is compared to anything else.

Seeing women discover their inner goddess nature feels the most fulfilling, meaningful, revolutionising.

Now I know much more – about myself – and I can show much more to the others. We still dance, practice Yoga, talk and meditate together, just like I did my first time, and it still challenging sometimes, but each time we go deeper and deeper, and we discover so many new aspects of being a woman.

Women have the power to make a difference in the world through their soft power, their wisdom and their love, and one of the ways is to actively teach others about femininity. 

Do you also feel this call in your heart?

There are so many things we can do together…
If you feel the calling, the inspiration to lift this world through feminine wisdom, let’s begin!

Join the Tantra for Women course and inspire other women to awaken their femininity!




About the author

She is a passionate Tantra for Women teacher. She values authenticity and personal example. She has been facilitating and organising groups for women in London at Venus association.



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